Connecting with our Heavenly Father is the most important part of our vision. Through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives inside of us and we are able to have deep connection with our Father God. We connect with Him by spending time with Him through prayer, worship and reading His word.
A connection with Jesus leads to connections with fellow believers. Through church services, home groups, special events and “Converge Sunday,” we grow - not only as individuals - but as The Church. As followers of Christ, we need each other. It is God’s plan for us to come together.
Lastly, we connect with our community and the world. Our world is full of people who are lost and dying. Without Jesus, the people in our community are hurting and broken. As The Church, we have the ability to be Jesus to people - to be His hands and feet, and to say what He would say. Through community outreach, and sowing into other ministries around the world, we are able to make connections with those who need Jesus. It is our commission and our responsibility to love the world as He does.
It is our vision that every believer at SCC becomes a disciple of Jesus Christ. We believe discipleship is for all of us; for every service and every age-group we disciple through the word of God.
True growth only comes through the Word and time spent with The Lord. As we grow, we bear fruit and those around us can’t help but notice something is different; they see our love and faithfulness to Him.
Growth is essential in our lives as believers – if we are not growing, bearing fruit and becoming mature in Christ, then we are being stagnant and regressing instead of progressing. As children of God we are not called to stay the same, we are meant to grow.
It is our vision that everyone in our church would discover their gifts and use them to serve in SCC and the world. As we connect and grow with God, fellow believers and the world, serving becomes a natural part of our lives. We believe that through serving, people find joy and fulfillment.
Jesus Himself was the most sacrificial of servants. He truly is our greatest example and shows us what a blessing it is to serve.